Analysis result done 4 months ago
Analysis conducted entirely by AI, based on the most recent evaluations collected.
Analysis summary
General Sentiment
Improvement suggestions for your business
Business insights
Business trends
Sentiment trends
Positive aspects
Negative aspects
Relevant topics
NPS variation over time
NPS variation over the months. The NPS (Net Promoter Score) measures customer loyalty.
Average sentiment over time
Average sentiment over the months. Sentiment is calculated based on customer evaluations.
Sentiment distribution
Current scenario of your customers' sentiments towards your business
Responses per month
Number of responses received over the months. The number of responses reflects customer engagement.
Evaluations per month
Number of evaluations received over the months. The number of evaluations reflects customer engagement.
Evaluations per product per month
Number of evaluations received per product over the months. The number of evaluations reflects customer engagement.
Evaluations per category per month
Number of evaluations received per category over the months. The number of evaluations reflects customer engagement.
Average sentiment by evaluation results
Average sentiment by evaluation results over the months. The average sentiment reflects customer satisfaction.
Distribution of evaluations by type
Distribution of evaluations by type. Evaluations are rated from 1 to 5 stars.
Response trend over time
Trend of responses received over the months. The number of responses reflects customer engagement.
Created vs responded evaluations
Created vs responded evaluations over the months. The number of responded evaluations reflects customer engagement.